Overview Wellbeing and Disease Prevention

Population Health Management

As the Kings Fund suggests about their vision on population health
“Health outcomes and inequalities in health in England will be on a par with the best in the world. This will be achieved by a consistent and coherent focus on population health locally, regionally and nationally.”

The Kings Fund goes on to consider the four pillars for population health
“Our vision for population health is based on the four interconnecting pillars

  • There is now a wealth of evidence that the wider determinants of health are the most important driver of health. In addition to income and wealth, these determinants include education, housing, transport and leisure.
  • Our health behaviours and lifestyles are the second most important driver of health. They include smoking, alcohol consumption, diet and exercise. For example, while reductions in smoking have been a key factor in rising life expectancy since the 1950s, obesity rates have increased and now pose a significant threat to health outcomes.
  • There is now increasing recognition of the key role that the places and communities (we live in and with) play in our health. For example, our local environment is an important influence on our health behaviours, while there is strong evidence of the impact of social relationships and community networks, including on mental health.
  • Recent years have seen a strong focus on developing an integrated health and care system. This reflects the growing number of patients with multiple long-term conditions and the need to integrate health and care services around their needs rather than within organisational silos.”
    A vision for population health | The King’s Fund


What is population health?

From the Kings Fund

From NHS England
Population Health and the Population Health Management Programme NHS England » Population Health and the Population Health Management Programme

What is the point of a focus on population health?

As suggested by University of Wisconsin Improving Population Health (Policy. Practice. Research)
“The inherent value of a population health perspective is that it facilitates integration of knowledge across the many factors that influence health and health outcomes.” What Is Population Health? – Improving Population Health

A broader focus can lead to better health outcomes for a whole population.

Broad information

From Gov UK
All Our Health: personalised care and population health All Our Health: personalised care and population health – GOV.UK


From Health Education England
We work to improve population health and prevent ill health by improving the capability of the future and existing public health workforces and by developing and promoting innovative approaches to public health training and education for the wider health and care workforces. Population health and prevention | Health Education England

From the Royal College from General Practitioners
Getting To Grips With Population Health RCGP eLearning Podcast / Getting To Grips With Population Health

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