Happy New Year to all of our patients.
We are now live with Accurx Patient Total Triage. Please use our website (click on the ‘contact us submit a new request’ icon below, this will take you directly to the online form)  or the NHS App to book an appointment ( under Services, Contact your GP about a health problem) .
Thankyou for your patience

Hospital and community services

Hospital NHS care

Local hospital support

For support from your local hospital see under

This includes information on

  • Local hospitals
  • Referrals and making an appointment – includes managing your appointment
  • Your appointment (outpatients) – includes transport and preparing for your appointment
  • Support after your appointment – includes follow up of tests, and preparing for an operation
  • Support going into hospital – admission (inpatients)
  • Support leaving hospital (discharge)

Treatments which may be not funded on the NHS

Some treatments may not be funded on the NHS. The reasons for this and how to find the treatments which may not be treated see under

This includes

  • A list of common treatments which may not be funded
  • How to search for information on all treatments which may not be funded

Community NHS care

NHS community care – adults

Different NHS teams support adults in the community, a number of which you can self-refer to. When you are under the care of these teams you can contact them all directly without needing to go through your GP practice. These teams include amongst others, district nurses, podiatrists, and occupational therapists, as well as teams covering specific support such as with alcohol and drugs.

You can find more information under the section

NHS community care – children

Different teams support children in the community, a number of which you can self-refer to. When you are under the care of these teams you can contact them all directly without needing to go through your GP practice. These teams include amongst others, health visitors, school nursing team, and speech and language therapists, as well as teams covering specific support such as with healthy living.

You can find more information under the section

Self-referral pathways to NHS community services

You can directly access many NHS community services without needing to see your GP first. Some of these local services have been listed in the section “Outside practice self-referrals”, see under

This includes

  • NHS community teams (e.g., health visitors, podiatrist)
  • Health conditions (e.g., community midwifes, sexual health clinics)
  • Healthy living (e.g., teams covering healthy weight, smoking, alcohol and drugs)
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