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We provide a full range of services under contract to NHS England
The range of clinics includes:
General Nursing – Our seven Practice Nurses work from both surgeries. In addition to the ones detailed below, they also hold daily clinics for dressings, blood pressure checks and NHS Health Checks.
Nurse Practitioner – Appointments are available on a daily basis to see one of our Nurse Practitioners who are able to prescribe medication if required including antibiotics. The clinic deals with a variety of ailments including chest infections, ear infections, skin conditions and stomach problems. Please ask at reception for a full list.
Health promotion
There is further information on improving your general health under healthy living.
Disease prevention – screening
Disease management (long term conditions)
Includes all common conditions: asthma, COPD, diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease, heart failure, atrial fibrillation, stroke and TIAs, epilepsy, chronic kidney disease, hypothyroidism, dementia and more. There is more information under our practice section long term conditions (including a link to more information about common long-term conditions for adults and children).
Diabetes – Janet, Elna and Jeanette our Specialist Diabetic Nurses, run clinics at both the Denham and Aysgarth Medical Centres. All our Diabetic patients are invited in for their Annual Review on the month of their birthday. Pre-Diabetic Checks will be arranged first with our experienced HCA Alison. Diabetic Education Sessions and Annual Retinal Screening is also available and can be arranged at the review. Click on the Local Community Services for a list of centres.
Asthma – Our Specialist Asthma Nurses Kim, Jayne, Elna and Jeanette offer regular checks and assessments. They will ensure that the most effective inhaler devices are being used to provide excellent symptom control. They also advise patients on long term management of their own asthma.
COPD – This clinic is run by Kim, Jayne and Elna our Specialist Respiratory Nurses and is by invitation only. Patients will automatically be asked to attend this clinic in the month of their birthday for their review.
Heart Disease – Cardiac Specialists Kim and Janet offer annual cardiac checks which include blood pressure monitoring, medication reviews and a blood test assessment for cholesterol. All patients with heart disease are invited in for their annual review in the month of their birthday.
Contraception service: there is more information on contraception and the available options including the increasingly popular long-acting reversible contraception (LARCs) under Women’s Health. Ongoing contraception and family planning advice is available by appointment with our nurses.
There is also further information on various aspects of sexual health including accessing various sexual health services under Sexual Health.
Maternity medical services with the support of our local maternity team. There is more information on pregnancy and local services under Pregnancy including how to self-refer to the local hospital. Qualified Midwives attend both the Denham and Aysgarth Medical Centres for routine ante-natal checkups. They are available every Friday morning in Denham and every Monday morning in Aysgarth. Our doctors share the care with the midwives so you can also book to see the GP for antenatal checkups.
Surgical services
Minor surgery.
We also provide some enhanced NHS services which include
We have qualified phlebotomists from Wexham Park Hospital available for blood tests in both Denham and Aysgarth Medical Centres. They run a clinic by appointment only in Denham on a Monday and Wednesday, and are in Aysgarth on a Tuesday morning.
Baby Weighing/Advice:
Health Visitors
Baby Clinics
Baby Clinics for well children with the Health Visitor are held at:
10 month and 2-year health reviews – Please contact the health visiting team on 01753 888835 for an appointment.
Helen Bennett BSc(Hons).MChS Chiropodist and Podiatrist is available every Friday morning in Denham and Wednesdays in Aysgarth. For appointments please telephone Helen on 01753 651279.
Private Chiropody – Helen Bennett BSc(Hons).MChS Chiropodist and Podiatrist is available every Friday morning in Denham and Wednesdays in Aysgarth. For appointments please telephone Helen on 01753 651279.
Private Foot Health Practitioner – Vanessa Shepherd FHPT/FHPP is available in Denham every Thursday morning. To book an appointment please call Vanessa on 07512 985158.
Our Primary Care Network supports the following clinics and services which are used by our practice population.
Threeways surgery has on site
Out of hours base
Information on practice travel clinic vaccinations can found under
For general information on travel vaccinations, see under
For various reasons we may stop offering clinics and services that we have offered in the past.
Another option available to you is to find a private provider such as:
Disclaimer: Denham & Aysgarth Medical Centre takes no responsibility for services given by other private providers.
On the videos and podcasts page there are links to some relevant videos and podcasts covering various topics relating to our clinics and local services, including under wellbeing and disease prevention, health conditions including long term conditions, pregnancy and more.