First Contact Physio

0nline appointments to see our Physio will be available to book online from Monday 2nd December, you need to have patient access to use this service.
What is a first contact physio appointment? 
First Contact Practitioners (FCPs) are physiotherapists usually based in GP surgeries. They can assess and diagnose what’s happening, Give expert advice on how best to manage your condition and refer on to specialist services if necessary.
If you have further questions please call the surgery.

Proxy access and your decision

What is proxy access?

As the NHS suggest
A GP surgery can give someone proxy access so they can help another person manage their GP health and care.

A proxy may be able to act for the person they support, by:

  • ordering repeat prescriptions
  • booking appointments
  • contacting the surgery or speaking to surgery staff
  • viewing test results or vaccinations
  • accessing all or part of the GP health record, to help with health-related tasks and managing health issues
    What is proxy access? – NHS

From the NHS
This helpful guide includes what is proxy access, how to get proxy access including for children under 16 and more  Accessing GP services for someone else, with proxy access – NHS

From NHS England
GP online services: Giving another person access to your GP online services pat-guid-give-another-person-access.pdf

How to get proxy access

From the NHS
How to get proxy access including for adults who cannot understand and agree to proxy access How to get proxy access – NHS

Practice form
You can inform the practice that you would like someone to have proxy access to your medical records by filling in the relevant practice form found under “Online access to your record”  (found under “Getting Help” in the main menu).

Switch profiles in the NHS account
As a parent, family member or carer, you may be able to manage services for another person by switching to their profile. This is also sometimes called having a linked profile or having proxy access.
Using linked profiles to access services for someone else – NHS App help and support – NHS

Patient Access explain the process through their portal
Proxy Proxy | Patient Access Support Portal

Reviewing proxy access – Adults

Change of mind
Where proxy access has been granted with the consent of the patient, the proxy access must be reviewed or withdrawn at the request of the patient.
Removing access Information for adults who want help with GP services – NHS

Reviewing proxy access –  Children and young people

For children the NHS suggests
“Children aged 11 or over are usually considered to have the capacity to consent, or refuse access, unless for example they have a medical condition or learning disability that affects their understanding. Parent and guardian access ends when a child is 16. If your child wants or needs you to help manage their GP services when they are 16 or over, your GP surgery can set it up again. Most GP surgeries also have an automatic cut-off age between 11 and 14, where online parent and guardian access is stopped to protect an older child’s confidentiality.”
Parent and guardian proxy access for children – NHS

From the NHS – information for children
Information for under-16s on parents and guardians accessing your doctor’s services Information for under-16s on parents and guardians accessing your doctor’s services – NHS

Further information

More information including the relevance of lasting power of attorney can be found under

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