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We aspire to provide high quality care that is safe, effective and focused on patient experience.
However, when anything goes wrong
We will always offer an apology
We know saying sorry meaningfully when things go wrong is vital for everyone involved in an incident, including the patient, their family, carers, and the staff that care for them.
Saying sorry is: always the right thing to do and though not an admission of liability acknowledges that something could have gone better. It is the first step to learning from what happened and preventing it recurring
We know patients expect to be told three things as part of an apology:
This culture applies across all our care whatever the level.
We will always fulfill our statutory (legal) duty of candour to be open and honest with patients (or ‘service users’), or their families, when something goes wrong that appears to have caused significant harm.
Under the statutory duty the Care Quality Commission summarise:
This is further explained by the independent charity Action Against Medical Accidents (AVMA)
Duty of Candour leaflet (need to download) AvMA – Duty of Candour leaflet
From the General Medical Council
The professional duty of candour The professional duty of candour – GMC
From Care Quality Commission (CQC)
From NHS Resolution
Saying sorry NHS-Resolution-Saying-Sorry.pdf
From Action Against Medical Accidents (AVMA)
Home page AvMA