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As CCQ suggest
“Safeguarding means protecting people’s health, wellbeing and human rights, and enabling them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect. It’s fundamental to high quality health and social care. All people and organisations that come into contact with adults using health and care services have a responsibility to help keep them safe from abuse.” Care Quality Commission
Our practice takes this responsibility very seriously. All our staff are trained and competent to safeguard adults at risk. People are consistently safe and protected from bullying, harassment, avoidable harm, neglect, abuse and discrimination.
Our practice has effective safeguarding systems, policies and procedures and manages safeguarding concerns promptly, using local safeguarding procedures whenever necessary. There is a consistent approach to safeguarding and matters are always dealt with in an open, transparent and objective way.
All staff have a comprehensive awareness and understanding of abuse and know what to do to make sure that people who lack a voice are protected, including when experiencing harassment or abuse in the community.
We want patients to know about our safeguarding approach and feel comfortable raising concerns about their own or other people’s safety. Patients who raise concerns will receive sympathetic support and there will be no recriminations; we see it as a normal and desirable part of day-to-day practice.
You can also directly contact the local safeguarding team, who can advise about any concern you might have and take a direct referral. This team help manage all adult safeguarding concerns locally. We have information on how to do this, and also how you can anonymously speak to a national helpline for support and advice all under Safeguarding adults.
If you or another person is in immediate danger you should call 999.