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18.09.2024 – Parking – Please be advised we are having repairs made to our roof and there will be limited parking at the surgery for at least 6 weeks, if you are able to avoid bringing a car to your appointments please do consider this.
Flu Season is upon us! Invites are being sent out over the next few weeks, please do book an appointment as soon as possible. Clinics start from October 1st. Flu
RSV Vaccines now available to book – more information: New RSV Vaccine
There will be lots of changes to our system in the near future and we will keep you updated.
In certain circumstances some patient groups can be more vulnerable. For these patients groups there are additional local and national services which can make a real difference. In the sections below we provide links to general information and to local and national services. We also describe how our practice can help you.
“In 2017, there were an estimated 2.4 million UK Armed Forces Veterans in Great Britain, making up an estimated 5% of household residents aged 16 and over.”
“Annual Population Survey: UK Armed Forces Veterans residing in Great Britain, 2017”. Gov UK website Retrieved 14 February 2023.
We know the healthcare needs of veterans can be different from other patients as they transition from the support and friendship of the military to life outside. We also know that veterans have higher levels of post-traumatic stress disorder, and that common conditions including anxiety and depression and problems relating to alcohol occur in veterans.
We know about the extra pressure on family life that comes with deployment and periods of separation, social isolation and regular changes of location.
We fully believe in the armed forces covenant and want to ensure that we deliver on it. We have brought together local and national information for veterans and the armed forces please see under
Please can you tell us that you are a veteran if you have not done so already, either by filling in the form under
or informing one of our receptionists and we will add a code to your notes (on the GP computer system) to show that you are a military veteran.
“Across the UK today 6.5 million people are carers (including young carers under the age of 17), supporting a loved one who is older, disabled or seriously ill.”
“Why we are here” Carers UK website. Retrieved 14 February 2023.
A carer is a person of any age (including children) who provides unpaid support (excluding statutory allowances such as Carer’s Allowance) to a partner, relative, friend or neighbour who couldn’t cope without their help. This could be due to old age, frailty, disability, a serious health condition, mental ill health or substance misuse. Parents of children who are disabled or who have a serious health condition are also considered to be carers.
We know the valuable and essential contribution carers make to the health and care system but with this care giving we also know how this can impact on the health and wellbeing of carers. Carers can feel unsupported and isolated when it can be unclear about where to go for information or support. Young carers may experience educational difficulties with enforced absence and lateness due to their caring role.
We know the significant contribution to the health and care system carers make but also value the care given to our individual patients who require care. We want to support carers both in their caring role and in maintaining their own health.
Carers Identification Form
Please complete this form and return it to the Health Centre receptionist. You will then be registered in our Health Centre records as a Carer. With your permission we can also refer you to your local Carers’ Support organisation. If you live in Buckinghamshire this will be Carers Bucks. If you live in Slough, it will be Slough Carers Support.
Carer’s Access Agreement Form
You will need to give this form to the person you care for. By completing this form, the patient gives consent for their carer to access their medical records and information relating to their care e.g., test results. Please ask the person you care for if they wish to complete this form and return the completed form to the Health Centre receptionist.
Burnham Carers’ Support Group
Information about Carers’ Support Groups and other local services is available from Burnham Health Promotion Trust based at Burnham Park Hall. They can be contacted as follows:
Tel. 01628 661 441 or email [email protected]
From Carers Bucks
“Do you look after someone who, due to illness, frailty or disability, cannot manage without you? If so, you are a carer and support is available. “
“Carers Bucks works in partnership with GP practices in Buckinghamshire, helping them to identify and support unpaid carers within their patient population and, as such, Burnham Health Centre is working with Carers Bucks to support carers who are patients at the practice. It is, therefore, very important that you have told the practice you are in a caring role, so that they can add you to their carers register. Being on a surgery’s carers register enables GP practice staff to be aware of your caring situation and the challenges that can sometimes accompany that role. It doesn’t mean you are entitled to preferential appointments, but the surgery should attempt to be flexible where possible.
Many GP surgeries, including Burnham Health Centre, now have a dedicated Carers Champion at the practice – a member of staff who is the main point of contact for caring-related topics and who liaises regularly with Carers Bucks.
As a carer, you are entitled to a free flu jab, too, so please do ensure that your GP practice is aware of your caring role so that they can fully support you.”
For more information, contact Carers Bucks on 03007772722, email: [email protected] or visit
From Slough Carers Support
“Slough Carers Support are able to provide support if you care for someone who is ill, frail or disabled. They provide:
Please contact Slough Carers Support for further information on: Tel: 01753 303428, Email: [email protected] or visit
“There are currently around 900,000 people with dementia in the UK. This is projected to reach 1.6 million people in the UK living with dementia in 2040.”
“How many people have dementia and what is the cost of dementia care?” Alzheimer’s Society website. Retrieved 14 February 2023.
There are a number of elements of care for dementia which have been shown to be important which are listed below.
We explain care planning below and cover the other areas in the links to other pages on this website below.
All patients with dementia in the practice are systematically followed up including reviewing
We have brought together local and national information for patients with dementia and their carers. This includes information on
There is also information on wellbeing which can further support both patients with dementia and also their carers.
We also have separate pages on
“There are 1.5 million people with a learning disability in the UK.”
“How common is learning disability?” Mencap website. Retrieved 14 February 2023.
We know people with a learning disability face many health inequalities which impact on life expectancy. Coronary heart disease and respiratory disease are leading causes of death. We know people with learning disability are less likely to take up preventive care, healthcare reviews, national screening and vaccination. People with a learning disability and asthma can be twice as likely to be smokers. We know that people with learning disability are less likely to have help for obesity, including screening for thyroid disease and diabetes.
We want to reduce these health inequalities for people with learning disabilities. We have brought together local and national information for people with a learning disability and any carers under
We offer a specific learning disability related annual health check (AHC) for anyone aged over 14. If you have a learning disability and you or your carer know you have not been offered an annual health check this may be because we have not properly flagged this on our computer system, so please tell us. We need to accurately identify patients with a learning disability and add a code to your notes (on the GP computer system). The Annual Health Check includes a health action plan to address health issues identified in this check and a medicines review.
Everyone with a learning disability is entitled to a free flu vaccination and we offer this.
Easy Read is a way of making written information easier to understand. This is a good source of some helpful easy read leaflets on common health conditions and services, see under
Finally, to support people with learning disability we follow the NHS Accessible Information Standard please see our
We have made adjustments to ensure we fully support disability access. Please see our statement on
“In December 2019 Shelter estimated that 280,000 people were homeless in England.”
“How many people are homeless?” Homeless Link website. Retrieved 14 February 2023.
Homeless people face several health inequalities. We know there is a high prevalence of mental health problems and a greater incidence of long-term physical health conditions.
We want to reduce these health inequalities for people who are homeless. We have brought together local and national information for people who are homeless under
In addition, there is excellent local support for
We know we need to make it easier for a homeless person to register with our practice. Homeless patients are entitled to register with a GP using a temporary address. This may be a friend’s address or a day centre. They can also use the practice address to register. There is more information from NHS England on registering with GP practice, see under
Please can you give us an alternative contact method if you do not have a mobile in case, we need to contact you for example with test results.
People who are from the gypsy, roma and traveller communities face several health inequalities.
As Gypsy-Traveller suggest “The health status of Gypsies and Travellers is much poorer than that of the general population, even when controlling for confounding factors such as variable socio-economic status and/or ethnicity. Poor access to, and uptake of, health services is a major factor in Gypsy and Traveller health.”
Zoe Matthews (November 2008) “The health of Gypsies and Travellers in the UK” Gypsy-traveller website. Retrieved 1 February 2022.
We want to reduce these health inequalities for people who are from the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities. We have brought together local and national information under
The leaflet from NHS England explains how to register with a GP.
Asylum seekers, refugees and migrants face many of the same health problems as the UK population. However, understandably many do not understand how to access treatment on the NHS and may suffer health impacts (mental and physical) after leaving their country.
We want to ensure that people who are asylum seekers, refugees and migrants are able to access NHS treatment. We have brought together local and national information under
The leaflet from NHS England explains how to register with a GP
There are some people who are at greater risk of abuse or neglect. We explain in the links below who is at greater risk and how you can report a concern about a child or adult.
Support for safeguarding of adults (stopping both the risks and experience of abuse or neglect) can be found under
Support for safeguarding of children (stopping both the risks and experience of abuse or neglect) can be found under
If there is immediate risk of harm to a child or adult, call the Police on 999.
The impact of crime can be profound. There is very good local support for the victims of crime including domestic abuse. There is also support which can help people move away from crime and support for their families. This can all be found under
Our practice understands the impact of crime and we support the continuing improvement in local services to reduce this impact.
The learning disability checklist can help you better understand some of the opportunities and local services available to help you. Some of these options you can access directly without needing to go through your GP practice and it can also support some of the options you have in the practice. The checklist is not submitted to the practice.
The checklist can be found under:
For a further explanation of checklists and some other checklists which may be helpful to patients who potentially can be more vulnerable see under
Self-referral involves accessing NHS health services and other support yourself without needing an appointment with your GP. This is explained further by patient info Self-referral | Patient.
Most of the local self-referral routes are covered under
For some of the more commonly used local self-referral pathways see “outside practice self referrals” under
There may be services in the local community close to the practice, which if available can be found under
Many common conditions have a support group which can be found if you look under the various conditions on
Your local pharmacist can offer great support, see under
The NHS can be a complex maze particularly when it comes to local services. You can use the information on this website to help you find local services. You can also use the support of
On the videos and podcasts page there are links to some relevant videos and podcasts covering various topics relating to vulnerable people.
We welcome feedback on your experience, including good experiences and where we can improve. This can easily be done through the Friends and Family Test found under