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There are many organisations local to the practice providing a wide range of services and activities to the local community.
Websites for activities, groups and services across Buckinghamshire can be found under
Available local transport services to the practice and to local hospitals are found under
Below we include some of the organisations local to the practice which provide information on local activities and services:
BHPT is a registered charity with its office base in Burnham Park Hall.
BHPT’s aim is to promote, sustain and enhance health and wellbeing throughout the local community and to this end it provides and supports a wide variety of local activities and services.
We are pleased to offer a partnership with Number 22 Counselling. Patients can be referred by their GP or refer themselves to these services – for more details see posters on the noticeboards, contact Burnham Health Promotion Trust on 01628 661441 or ask your GP.
The community-based activities that BHPT run or support include Seated Exercise, Simply Walk, Tai Chi, Singing For Your Memory, Outdoor Green Gym, Men’s Sheds, Hormones & Happiness and much more!
BHPT is a recognised referral agency for Maidenhead Food Share and Slough Food Bank. Please click here for further information. BHPT are also part of the alliance who set up the Burnham Care & Share project, the new food distribution project in Burnham High Street. If you are struggling and need help, please see our website below for more information on Care & Share.
For more details of BHPT’s local services and activities please call into the BHPT office in Burnham Park Hall, phone 01628 661441 or visit the website
From Burnham community association (BCA)
Burnham Good Neighbour Scheme – Volunteer drivers provide door to door transport to hospital, health centre and other health related appointments. This service is for people without other transport available. Donations towards expenses welcomed. Tel. 07508 240762 Transport | Burnham Community Association
From Burnham Health Promotion Trust
For details of local social activities for older people please contact Burnham Health Promotion Trust in the Health Centre Tel. 01628 661441 or visit the website
From Burnham Village
Older persons activities and information Older persons activities and information – BHPT
From Burnham Village
There are also many sports groups, clubs and special interest groups in the Burnham area which welcome members of all ages. Details can be found under Sports and Activities – Burnham Village
The main parish council serving our practice patient population is:
Home | Burnham Parish
You can explore their website to find any information not included in the sections above.
The main parish council local to the practice will have been included on this page. However, it is possible, particularly if you live on the boundary of the practice, that you may benefit from looking at what is available from other local parish councils. Buckinghamshire Council provide a list of all the Parish Councils in Bucks including if available their website.
Some patients, particularly those who live near the boundary of the practice, may find what is available outside Buckinghamshire relevant. On any council website for relevant information on activities look for services which include any of the words: leisure, health or wellbeing in the title.
There are often county wide public health campaigns and strategies to improve health and social wellbeing, often led by the council and public health. These can be found under