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To get help for a child over 5 or adult
Access 111 online:
How to contact 111 if you have a hearing problem or need help in other languages
NHS 111 can help you decide if you should self-care, with or without the help of your local pharmacist, or attend a GP practice or urgently attend Accident and Emergency. This can be done online and if more urgent (or for a child under 5) by telephone. This service is explained further by NHS choices – When to use NHS 111 – NHS.
If you have a clear emergency call 999. When to call 999 – NHS
Online access to 111 for support includes:
Log in to:
Setting up Ask First
Video: setting up AskFirst AskFirst – Setting up AskFirst – YouTube
The Ask First app enables patients to interact with a virtual health care assistant called Olivia, she asks a series of questions (approximately 15) to assess your symptoms. Using NICE accredited evidence-based protocol, based on your responses, Olivia will recommend the most appropriate onward care which includes self-care advice (advice from trusted self-care health and wellness advice from NHS Choices), direction to urgent or emergency care or to contact your GP or other appropriate local NHS services using the NHS Directory of Services.
From Sensley
Includes a Patient FAQ and an NHS FAQ at the bottom of the introduction page
Symptom checkers are being used more commonly and though they cannot be relied on to make a diagnosis they can provide information on common conditions. For further information, including some examples commonly used by patients, see under