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Please see link below for the new edition of Buckinghamshire Care Services Directory 2025. This link helps care seekers find information...
Total Triage NewsletterDear Patient,We are always looking for ways for our patients to be able to gain easier access to clinical...
All eligible patients will now have received an invite for the new RSV vaccine, Please see link below for further information....
Welcome to Burnham Health Centre
We are currently updating patient information, if you have changed contact details please do let us know.
Appointment information can be found under Book or change an appointment.
Support for patient groups
Our practice in combination with local services support a number of important patient groups including older people, patients with long-term conditions, Families, children and young people, working age people, people experiencing poor mental health and people whose circumstances may make them vulnerable (which includes carers, patients with dementia, learning disabilities and veterans and more). For our whole practice population there is significant information and local support for health living. These groups are not mutually exclusive and many patients will benefit from the support available across more than one of these groups.
CQC rating: Good (Read more)
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